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Organization & Policies


The SGE PTA reflects and supports our SGE community by engaging and empowering families to advocate for all of our scholars. Our mission is to enhance the social, emotional, physical and educational development of every scholar at our school. The SGE PTA consists of any parent, staff member, or community volunteer who registers to be a member of the NCPTA and pays the annual fee.




The PTA Board of Directors is made up of elected officers, including the President, Executive Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary. Elections are held in the month of May for the following academic school year.  A teacher representative also serves on the Board of Directors. Board of Director Meetings review and discuss PTA business including, but not limited to, the PTA budget, policies, fundraising, events, committee reports, and the PTA calendar. To see the current members of the Board, see the Contact List.



Community PTA Meetings are usually hosted in the school media room (but occasionally hosted at a local business in our community) on the second Thursday of specific months at 6pm. Please check the PTA Calendar for exact dates. Attendance is encouraged for all families. Zoom links can be provided by emailing


In addition to Community PTA Meetings, SGE also offers Coffee with Principal Potter the first Friday of every month. Coffee with Principal Potter is an opportunity to meet with the school administration and other parents to learn more about recent CMS and school updates, as well as future plans. There will be a Q&A session where parents are encouraged to ask questions and/or provide constructive feedback.


Parents who have registered on the PTA website can see the most recent meeting minutes here.



Making sure you have all the information you need and want is important to us, so expect to receive regular communication via our:

  • We send a monthly e-newsletter called the Dragon News that you don't want to miss! After creating your free Membership Toolkit account, go to your Communication Settings and make sure your Email Messages are TURNED ON. 

  • We share announcements and plenty of school content on our public Facebook and Instagram pages. Please follow us to stay in-the-know!

  • This PTA website is a robust platform that includes important info about our school, our PTA Calendar, and be sure to subscribe to our calendars!