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Learning Immersion and Talent Development (LI/TD) Magnet Program


Welcome to Shamrock Gardens Elementary School (SGE)! We are a K-5 partial magnet school, which means some of our scholars attend because SGE is their neighborhood school, while others attend because they applied through our magnet lottery program. 


The SGE magnet program is the Learning Immersion and Talent Development Program (LI/TD). This program provides scholars a learning environment focused on instructional strategies for advanced learners and rigorous curriculum. The Learning Immersion (LI) Program serves grades K-5. Scholars are taught using rigorous instruction strategies to foster critical and analytical thinking skills to help them reach their greatest academic potential. The Talent Development (TD) Program serves grades 3-5. The TD program provides a full-day, inclusive program for identified gifted scholars. 


As a LI/TD school we implement the core district curriculum with advanced supplements to nurture potential and meet the advanced learning needs of students. Enrichment electives are provided to engage students in a variety of choice-based and high-interest learning experiences. We know that nurturing potential and meeting advanced learning needs are critical to individual success.