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Shamrock Glossary


After School Activities

SGE is currently offering Girls on the Run, Chess Club, Garden Club and Digibridge Robotics with the plan to add additional after school opportunities next school year. 


ASEP (After School Enrichment Program)

ASEP provides a warm, caring environment beyond school hours, when your scholar has the opportunity to play with school friends and get homework out of the way. The SGE ASEP contact is Ms. Sadler ( Find more information here: 


Back to School Open House

Open House is typically the week before school starts. Grades 1-5 meet with their specific teachers to get all details about back to school. Kindergarten does not attend this Open House. They have their own Kindergarten Open House during the first week of school. Check the PTA Calendar for Open House dates/times. 


Beginner’s Day

Beginner’s Day is a day held at the end of spring for incoming kindergartners and their families so they can get to know the teachers and staff, and learn more about what to expect at SGE. 


Birthday Celebrations at School

On your scholar’s birthday, you can choose to send in a store-bought treat for the class to be eaten at lunch. Contact your scholar’s teacher to coordinate.  


BOG Tests (Beginning of Grade Tests)

A standardized literacy test given to all 3rd graders at the beginning of the school year. It is considered a pre-test to establish a baseline measure to compose a growth model for each individual scholar. 


Book Fair

Each year, usually in the winter, the SGE PTA will run a Scholastic Book Fair to give families the opportunity to grow their home libraries, while also raising money for the PTA.


BOX Tops For Education

It's a program designed to raise money for schools. Historically box tops were coupons clipped from grocery products to be turned in for cash. This is now done virtually.  Download the Boxtop app to begin scanning your receipts and earning money for SGE.



Canvas is an online learning management software program. It streamlines classroom work to one location where teachers can post and grade assignments, and scholars can  complete work and receive feedback from teachers. 


Car Line Procedures


Drop off: Scholars may be dropped off in the carpool line between 7:30-8 a.m. All families should remain in their cars until they have arrived in the drop off area and their scholar has been assisted by a staff member while exiting the car. Families are expected to stay in their vehicles during the drop off. If you arrive after 8 a.m., you will need to park, walk your scholar into the building, and sign your scholar in as the staff members facilitating carpool are expected to report to the building at 8 a.m. 


Pick up: If you are picking up your scholar from school via carpool they must be picked up no later than 3:15 p.m. On the first day of pick up you will receive a SGE Car Rider Sign, where you will write the name and grade level of your scholar. Please place this sign in a visible space on your dashboard. A staff member will come and read your scholar’s name and issue you a slot number where you will pick up your scholar.


Please review the Car Line Map for carpool procedures. If you have any questions about carpool, please contact Ms. Miller:


Career Day

A day when business partners from a variety of companies come together at school to share information about their workplace, their job, and the education and skills that are required for success in their career. Scholars are invited to dress up showing which career they hope to work in one day.


Chats with Principal Potter

There is a monthly chat with Principal Potter during which she informs families about all the happenings at the state, district, and school levels. Families are encouraged to ask questions. The chats are usually held at the beginning of the month on a Friday morning. Check the pta calendar for the next one.


Child Nutrition Services

The CMS department that provides breakfast and lunch to our scholars each day. For more information visit: 


Club Fridays

Club Fridays are typically offered by SGE at no cost to families. These twice monthly clubs are non-academic and offer scholars a fun break at the end of the week. The clubs are primarily run by teachers, community volunteers and families. Some examples of the clubs offered in previous years include: Arts & Crafts, Board Games, Fantastic Female Athletes, Friendship Club, Gardening, Girls Walk & Talk Club, Journalism/Creative Writing, Legos, Minecraft, Origami & Paper Arts, Painting, Programming, Puzzles, SGE Chefs, Sports Leadership, STEM Makerspace, Theater, Typing and Yoga.


CoGAT (The Cognitive Abilities Test)

This test is a multiple choice assessment that measures reasoning and problem solving skills in three different areas: verbal, quantitative, and non verbal. This test is normally given in the fall of the scholar’s second grade year. These test results are one of the criteria used to determine if a scholar is gifted. Find more information about this process here: 


Community Service Partners

Our belief is that in order to lead, you must serve others.  With that in mind, each of our grade levels is partnered with a local non-profit organization.  Throughout the year, our scholars learn about their community service partner and the importance of the organization in our Charlotte community.  The scholars participate in at least one service project each year to benefit their grades’ organization and also work together to bring in donations for school-wide service drives.


Connect Classes

Elective classes taught by specific, specialized teachers to give scholars a more rounded education. The Connect Classes at SGE are Physical Education, Music, Science, Art, and Media & Mindfulness.


Connect Ed

Connect Ed is a recorded phone call from Principal Potter that is used to update families with important information. If you prefer to receive an email in addition to the recorded call, reach out to the school at 980-343-6440.


Curriculum Night

An event where families can discover what their scholar will be responsible for learning this year and the strategies the families can use to support the learning process. 


Dragon Discussions 

Dragon Discussions are a time when our entire school gathers together to celebrate each other, participate in social/emotional lessons, and show our school pride.  Whether it is discussing the importance of a growth mindset, cheering on the library check-out champs or practicing mindfulness -it is always an event that our scholars and staff look forward to.  You should hear the energy in the gym when we cheer the Shamrock Scholar Pledge at the end!


Dragon News

Monthly PTA newsletter sent home to families through email and Parent Square, typically the last week of the month. Electronic copies can be found on the Dragon News page.


Dress Down for FUN(d)

On the first Friday of each month SGE has a dress down day (no uniform required) that benefits a designated cause at SGE or within the local community.  Scholars can make a $2 suggested donation (any amount is appreciated and accepted) in cash, check, or online through the PTA Website.


Early Release Days

Scholars are dismissed from school at noon (12 p.m.) on Early Release Days. Note that they wiill still receive lunch at school on those days.


EOG Testing (End of Grade Testing)

The North Carolina End-of-Grade tests are designed to measure scholar performance on the goals, objectives, and grade level competencies specified in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. These tests are for grades 3rd, 4th and 5th grade scholars only. Learn more here: 



SGE offers the Edukit program as a convenient option for busy families to order school supply kits online. Edukits are custom made to include the supplies selected and approved by SGE. Order at at the beginning of the summer (prior to your scholar’s school year) for the best pricing and free shipping. Your scholar’s Edukit will be in the classroom on their first day of school. Reminders will be sent out from the school at the beginning of the summer. 


Fall Carnival

Our Fall Carnival is traditionally held on the SGE bus loop in the month of October and kicks off our INVEST fundraising campaign. This event features carnival attractions like bounce houses, obstacle courses, games, face painting, music, a dunk booth, food trucks and raffle tickets. We love this event because it is a great way to kick off the new academic year and get a head start on our SGE PTA fundraising goals.


Family Handbook

This handbook gives families information about school procedures like what to do when your scholar is absent, how the district handles safety, and the many services CMS provides to scholars. The CMS family handbook can be found here: 


Field Day

Field Day is a fun celebration, usually held in the spring, where scholars from all grades participate in fun outdoor activities with their classes.  


Field Trips

The SGE community is united in its belief that true learning can take place anywhere, at any time. In staying true to this belief, we offer several unique learning experiences to scholars, both within the walls of the school and outside of the school. Past field trips have included opportunities to visit Discovery Place, the State Capitol in Raleigh, the North Carolina Zoo and various farms in the region, as well as several museums throughout the Charlotte area. Each of these trips are supported by the SGE community, the PTA, and committed families, allowing scholars to have a diverse set of enriching learning experiences during their time at SGE.


Fifth Grade Promotion

This event typically takes place in the morning on one of the last days of school. Families attend to celebrate their 5th grade scholar moving on to 6th grade.


Helping Hands

A weekly PTA committee that helps teachers and staff by taking care of tasks like: preparing copies, creating bulletin boards and prepping learning materials, which provides teachers with additional time to plan engaging and rigorous instruction for scholars. 


Here Comes the Bus App

Here Comes the Bus is a school bus tracking app that can simplify morning and afternoon routines for families and scholars by giving them real-time bus location and text/email notification alerts to help them get to the bus stop on time. Here Comes the Bus utilizes GPS data and an easy and an easy to use customizable map that works on a computer, tablet or smartphone. Sign up and learn more here: 


House System

Our school house system is based around the 4 pillars of the Learning Immersion/Talent Development program that we share with other LI/TD schools in CMS.  The 4 pillars are: Engage, Enrich, Empower, and Explore.  Every scholar, teacher, and staff member at our school belongs to a house. We hold house meetings throughout the year, which is a fun time for scholars to complete activities with their housemates across grade levels. Additionally, within the houses, the scholars are given a buddy (older scholars assigned to younger scholars), who they are able to partner with during our house meetings.


INVEST in your school annual fundraising campaign 

"INVEST in Your School" is the SGE PTA’s Fall fundraising effort. By joining in this campaign with your monetary donation, you can help SGE continue to be a positive and engaging learning environment for our scholars. Please know that 100% of your tax-deductible donation goes back to our SGE PTA fund, giving an immediate and meaningful impact on students, staff, and programs this academic year and beyond.


Kindergarten Promotion

This event typically takes place in the morning on one of the last days of school. Families attend to celebrate their Kindergarten scholar moving on to 1st grade.

Kindergarten Staggered Entry

During the first week of school, kindergartners will only attend one of the first three days to allow them to meet all of the kindergarten teachers and slowly adjust to elementary school. Staggered entry gives kindergarten scholars time to transition and allows the teachers to get to know each scholar in a smaller group setting. After the first week, each kindergartner will receive their teacher assignment and will report to that class the following week of school.  


LI/TD (Learning Immersion/Talent Development Program)

The SGE magnet program is the Learning Immersion and Talent Development Program. This program provides scholars a learning environment focused on instructional strategies for advanced learners and a rigorous curriculum. The Learning Immersion (LI) program serves grades K-5. Scholars are taught using rigorous instructional strategies and curriculum to foster critical and analytical thinking skills to help them reach their greatest academic potential. The Talent Development (TD) program serves grades 3-5. The TD program provides a full-day, inclusive program for identified gifted scholars. Learn more about this CMS magnet and the SGE program.


Live With Lucky

Morning announcements that are broadcast into classrooms each day. 


Love for Math Week

A week-long celebration of math, in the fall, where scholars enjoy math activities throughout the week.


Love to Read Week

A week-long celebration of reading, normally in the spring, where  scholars can log their reading minutes while participating in themed days of the week. 


Lucky The Dragon

The SGE school mascot. 


Lucky Dads

Lucky Dads is a group of SGE dads who volunteer at the school and help with different activities, such as carpool, throughout the year. 


Lucky’s Birthday Party

Usually held in early August, this event is a great way to reconnect with friends, and meet new ones, while celebrating Lucky’s birthday. 1st-5th grade scholars learn their teacher assignment at this event.   


Lucky’s Library

Lucky's Library (a magical place!) is visited by scholars who have read a certain amount of minutes each week and are eligible to select a book to keep as a reward for reading. It is typically open 2-3 days a week from 7:30-8:00 AM and is staffed by parent volunteers. Please check out the available dates to volunteer!


Lunch Visits

Families can join their scholar during lunch any day of the week. Before arriving at the school the family member must register as a volunteer with CMS. This can be done here: 


After registration is complete visitors are required to check in at the front office and log in to Lobby Guard before joining their scholar for lunch. Reach out to your scholar's teacher for the lunch schedule. 


MAP Testing (Measures of Academic Progress Testing)

The assessment tool used for measuring achievement and growth in math, reading, and language usage. It helps teachers target instruction for each scholar.



Nutrislice is featured on the CMS website and in an app to displays the school breakfast and lunch menu each day. Be sure to visit your app store for a free download of the Nutrislice app, where you will have easy access to SGE menus.


PayPams (Pay Parent Account Management System)

Online payment service used by CMS to manage all cafeteria purchases. Families can load money on their scholar’s account to be used for an extra treat during school breakfast and lunch. More information is available here: 


Parent Square

A two-way multilingual family engagement platform helping teachers and families stay connected via the app.  



PowerSchool is an online scholar management system that maintains scholar records for CMS. Beginning in third grade, the Powerschool system tracks grades and attendance for scholars. There is a website and also an app that families can use, available here:


Prospective Parent Open House

SGE holds several Open House meetings throughout the fall and winter to give prospective families the opportunity to learn more about the school. During the Open House prospective families meet and hear from the school community and tour the school.


PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

The group of families, teachers and administrators who work together to create high quality learning experiences that spur all of SGE’s scholars to do their best. They meet once a month to discuss all the happenings at SGE. For more information contact Join online today here. 


Room Parent

This is a PTA position. The purpose of the room parent is to share information between families, staff and the PTA. 


School Dance:

This is a school-wide dance to celebrate friendship held on a Friday evening in February.  Scholars must be accompanied by a parent/guardian of their choosing. The event traditionally has a DJ, food and dessert, a photography booth, a silent auction and a quiet craft room. There is a ticket charge for this event.


School Hours

The bell schedule is 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. 


School Supply List

School supply lists are provided for each grade level. Here is the current school supply list: Alternatively, families can choose to order their scholar’s school supplies through Edukit.


Shamrock Rocks!

Two large rocks located in front of our SGE building that families can pay to paint as a way to announce birthdays, celebrations and special accomplishments. Rock rental information can be found here.


Shamrock Shuffle

The annual Fun Run held in March to celebrate SGE and raise money for the school. This is one of SGE PTA’s biggest fundraisers. 


SIP (School Improvement Plan)

Step-by-step process for communicating with all stakeholders about SGE’s progress and areas of growth/needs.   


SIT (School Improvement Team)

A group of diverse families, staff, and community members who meet monthly to help shape SGE’s vision of the future. At this monthly meeting, members develop and support the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and engage in decisions that impact all of our scholars. 


Spirit Nights

Throughout the year SGE will have school-sponsored spirit nights where families can get together for dinner/treats and help raise money for the school. How it works: visit the designated restaurant on the scheduled day/time frame and a portion of the proceeds will be donated back to SGE.


Spirit Week

A weeklong celebration, usually around St. Patrick's Day, where scholars are encouraged to wear green and participate in the themed days of the week. 


Spiritwear Store

SGE PTA has an online spiritwear store, open year round, offering apparel and other SGE items. Your order can be delivered to the school for free or directly to your home for a small delivery. Visit the store here: 


Spring Concert

A spring celebration for grades 3-5.


Staff Appreciation Week

A week-long celebration in May when the PTA and families celebrate and appreciate the teachers and staff of SGE. Events typically include breakfasts, notes/cards from scholars, a lunch and raffle prizes.  


Summer Play Dates

Social events held during the summer, hosted by the PTA, at nearby neighborhood parks. Detailed information is provided at Beginner’s Day in the Spring. These events are a great opportunity for new and rising Kindergarten families to get to know each other. 


The Four E's

These four focuses of the Learning Immersion magnet are the ways SGE scholars are encouraged to learn: Explore, Empower, Enrich, & Engage. 


The Shamrock Way

A behavior system that utilizes the FIVE SGE Character Traits; Respectful, Cooperative, Prepared, Self Disciplined and Hard Working; to monitor each scholar. 


Thursday Folders

Folders sent home each Thursday that include information from the SGE staff, teachers, PTA or school. 



Uniforms are required for all scholars enrolled at Shamrock Gardens Elementary. Find more information about the uniform policy here: 


Uniform Donation Program

Gently used uniforms are collected by the PTA throughout the year to be distributed to SGE families in need.


Valentine’s Day Party/Friendship Celebration

A classroom party to celebrate Valentine’s Day. 


Volunteer Registration & Opportunities to Volunteer

 If you would like to volunteer at SGE this year in any way, including eating lunch with your scholar, please make sure you register with CMS as a volunteer. This must be done every year to stay in the volunteer database. A quick visit to and you’ll be ready to chaperone the next field trip or be a guest reader in your scholar’s classroom. If you are looking for PTA volunteer opportunities please contact


Winter Celebration Pajama Day

The last day before winter break when the scholars are allowed to wear pajamas to school instead of their uniforms. A winter holiday movie is shown in classrooms.


Winter Concert

A winter holiday celebration for grades K-2.